A majority of our educational outreach occurs on our boat dives and through our social media accounts. Those combined have allowed us to reach a range of people across the world. We believe that first-hand experience is imperative in changing people's misconceptions about sharks, and being in the water with these animals helps facilitate a new appreciation and understanding.

However, we understand the importance of educating and supporting students of all ages! They are our future and we want them to grow up with respect and appreciation for our oceans and the animals that inhabit them. That is why the One Ocean Diving Education Program visits classrooms, home schools, and private groups that want to learn more about shark and marine conservation. Our presentation starts with the base biology and anatomy of a shark, tailored to the age group. Students enjoy learning special things about sharks such as the nictitating membrane and ampullae of lorenzini. If we have a white board available, we start with the outline of a shark and students come up to take turns drawing one part on the shark. We talk about what that part is used for and anything specifically unique about it. Next, we talk about behavior and utilize videos and pictures so that students can recognize the behavorial traits we are referring to. During these talks we educate students about sharks as 'aumakua and how cultural significance can help in the fight to save sharks and why shark conservation is important. We like to utilize visual aides to show how many sharks are killed per minute in comparison to the number of adverse shark-human interactions. We explain the importance of sharks in the ocean and further help the students to understand that the vital role sharks play affects us all. Our hope is that by the end of the presentation students are excited about helping sharks and will apply what they have learned to help promote positive change in the way people view sharks. Overall, students walk away with a new perspective on sharks that they are eager to share with those around them!

If you are based on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and want to have an educational presentation on shark and marine conservation at your school, classroom, or event please email us at ATTN: Educational Outreach

Our educational efforts include more than visiting classrooms and teaching students, we provide internships and research positions at One Ocean Diving, and work with individuals/groups globally who are involved in animal conservation. We also host 4 beach cleanups a year here on Oahu, and we partner with other organizations and individuals who are holding beach cleanups across the world to provide support and resources when necessary. Look below at some of our educational programs and opportunities and how to get involved!

For undergraduate and graduate students we offer internships and research assistant positions for current students to gain experience working in the field, specifically with pelagics. Click the link to see our current open positions:

Become a One Ocean Global (@oneoceanglobal) Ambassador for Conservation and email us at Here at One Ocean Global we are aiming to provide the foundation for a worldwide effort in helping protect the planet. While we have a lot of focus on marine life and conservation this world works all together and we are striving to assist and benefit all conservation efforts. We want to give aspiring conservationists around the globe the materials they need to start making a change locally and hopefully inspire enough individuals to make this a worldwide project! Click the link below to learn how to join:

Interested in joining us on our next beach/reef cleanup? Check out our events page or follow us on Instagram @oneoceanconservation to find out when and where! Get a chance to win some amazing prizes from our wonderful sponsors!

Watch Ocean Ramsey's TED Talk on why sharks are so important to our ocean's health and to our own health. Sharks are the white blood cells of the marine ecosystem and we need them more than we realize! Learn how you can help change the way people perceive sharks, and help make a difference.