Adopt a Shark, Donate, Conservation Gifts.-One Ocean Designs, One ocean Clothing, One Ocean Hawaii, Shop One Ocean, One Ocean shark clothes-One Ocean

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Donate, Adopt A Shark, and other Conservation Gifts that support

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Donate, Adopt A Shark, and other Conservation Gifts that support

from $35.00


$25- Marine Conservation Supporter:  Comes with a Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$50- One Ocean Education Supporter: Receive a photo of the students with the materials you help support + Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$100-Receive a stuffed animal for you & a stuffed animal for the One Ocean Education outreach program. Receive a marine stuffed animal toy and we will also donate one on your behalf to a student along with our education outreach program. Receive a photo of the students with another marine life toy from a previous One Ocean Education presentation plus Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$300-One Ocean Conservation Supporter:  Receive a One Ocean Hat, Signed book “What you should know about sharks” by Ocean Ramsey with photos by @JuanSharks (please note the name you would like it signed to if any in an email following your purchase to Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$325-Supports Nature Friends Of Maldives nonprofit with funds to buy a water filter for a local home on the “shark island” of Fuvahmulah. Funds go directly towards the purchase of a water filter which is $325 USD. Donate more to help with supplies for educational outreach and reef and beach clean ups.

$500-Shark Adoption. Adopt one of the real sharks surveyed by @OneOceanResearch/@OneOceanDiving you get a photo of your shark and get to name it and it will go into the online ID database and digital ID catalog on the research and dive vessel presentation i-pads. Plus receive a stuffed animal shark and photo of the students with another shark toy and the materials you help fund + Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate & your Sharks Adoption Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$1500 minimum donation to Save The Sea Turtles International can also get your interview, podcast, coaching, consulting, or similar scheduled with Ocean Ramsey or JuanSharks. Discuss an idea, conduct a podcast or interview, get personalized tips for your future goals or projects. This :30-:60 min time block can be used for other things but your donation is appreciated and they make time in their busy schedule to thank people who support the One Ocean Conservation and Save The Sea Turtles International nonprofit efforts for shark and marine conservation. This donation also comes with 1 free thank you spot to go out with @OneOceanDiving within 1 year of the date of donation and a tax-deductible letter.

$10000 VIP supporter consult or train with Juan and Ocean for special projects and get to adopt a shark or sea turtle and get everything from the conservation gift box and a private charter to go out with the sharks or with the sea turtles and save the reef with them.

$50000 and up Great White Shark Contributor One Ocean Conservation VIP-  Discuss or design a special dedication conservation/research/project with Co-founders/Board members @OceanRamsey @JuanOliphant depending on the amount donated. Plus all the benefits of all other packages doubled.

Donation Level:
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$25- Marine Conservation Supporter:  Comes with a Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$50- One Ocean Education Supporter: Receive a photo of the students with the materials you help support + Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$100-Receive a stuffed animal for you & a stuffed animal for the One Ocean Education outreach program. Receive a marine stuffed animal toy and we will also donate one on your behalf to a student along with our education outreach program. Receive a photo of the students with another marine life toy from a previous One Ocean Education presentation plus Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$300-One Ocean Conservation Supporter:  Receive a One Ocean Hat, Signed book “What you should know about sharks” by Ocean Ramsey with photos by @JuanSharks (please note the name you would like it signed to if any in an email following your purchase to Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$325-Supports Nature Friends Of Maldives nonprofit with funds to buy a water filter for a local home on the “shark island” of Fuvahmulah. Funds go directly towards the purchase of a water filter which is $325 USD. Donate more to help with supplies for educational outreach and reef and beach clean ups.

$500-Shark Adoption. Adopt one of the real sharks surveyed by @OneOceanResearch/@OneOceanDiving you get a photo of your shark and get to name it and it will go into the online ID database and digital ID catalog on the research and dive vessel presentation i-pads. Plus receive a stuffed animal shark and photo of the students with another shark toy and the materials you help fund + Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate & your Sharks Adoption Certificate and tax-deductible letter.

$1500- A personal thank you video from Ocean Ramsey and @JuanSharks with footage of your name on a sign with sharks, sea turtles, and other marine life during their conservation and research efforts OR a personal 30 min zoom presentation or call. Plus the Conservation-Awareness-Sticker-Pack and a Marine-Conservation-Supporter-Certificate & a public shout out in social media on both of their Instagram accounts stories and @OneOceanConservation and @SaveTheSeaTurtlesInternational and @OneOceanDiving. Also comes with 1 free spot to go out with @OneOceanDiving within 1 year of the date of donation and a tax-deductible letter.

$2500- Private charter to dive with the sharks and learn from Ocean Ramsey or JuanSharks or go with them as they Save The Reef, sea turtles, and other marine life during one of their sea life saving swims. Plus all the conservation supporter gift box items.

$10000 VIP supporter speak with Juan and Ocean about special projects and get to adopt a shark or sea turtle and get everything from the conservation gift box and a private charter to go out with the sharks or with the sea turtles and save the reef with them.

$50000 and up Great White Shark Contributor One Ocean Conservation VIP-  Discuss or design a special dedication conservation/research/project with Co-founders/Board members @OceanRamsey @JuanOliphant depending on the amount donated. Plus all the benefits of all other packages doubled.

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