“Ride Or Dive” Discover Freediving Lessons

Photo By Mitch Brown | Divers: Saveliy Mankovskiy & Gina Glazer



Ride or Dive, LLC offers the opportunity to take freedive lessons through One Ocean Diving. These lessons are available to all levels, from first time beginners to seasoned fun divers who are looking to improve their knowledge, safety, and depth. Each freedive session will be 2 hours long and will include a briefing on the theory behind freediving. These sessions aim to transform you from a snorkeler into a skilled freediver, while also emphasizing the significance of freedive safety. By prioritizing safety measures, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful dives in the future.


Discover Freediving Class Info:

What will this include?

Discover and enhance your natural freedive abilities with this class led by a certified Molchanov instructor. In this class you will learn about different types of dive gear, safety procedures, proper finning methods, breathing and relaxation techniques. Then directly apply this knowledge to dive into the ocean realm, mastering ear equalization, perfecting the 'duck dive,' and learning how to dive with fins efficiently and gracefully.

  • Breathing and Relaxation: Explore techniques to unwind both body and mind to ensure a comfortable and relaxed dive. Gain insight into efficient full breathing methods tailored for your dive, as well as post-dive breathing strategies to enhance recovery speed.

  • Freedive Technique: Learn the fundamentals of freedive techniques, covering essential knowledge about dive equipment, safety procedures, and effective finning techniques.

  • Open Water Freediving: Master ear equalization techniques at depth, refine your 'duck dive' entry to effortlessly build momentum for your descent, and optimize fin usage for maximum propulsion, conserving oxygen as you dive deeper.


Photo by Mauro | Diver: Gina Glazer

“ride or dive” molchanov freedive CERTIFICATION course

Photo by Kurt Chambers

Diver: Gina Glazer


Ride or Dive, LLC offers Molchanov certification courses to take one's love of the ocean to new depths. Each course offers a variety of techniques designed to teach students everything from freedive safety to relaxation techniques. Each course begins with learning theory and dry statics before moving into confined and open water. From there, students will work on dynamic apnea, buddying, static, depth diving and rescue procedures. The completion of this course not only includes a Molchanov Wave/Lap 1 certificate, but also a better understanding of the psychological discipline needed to achieve a deeper state of relaxation and focus, which are crucial for freediving.

Freedive course Info:

What will this include?

  • This will include a theory briefing that covers fundamental aspects of freediving. This briefing will provide an overview of relaxation techniques, breath-holding methods, understanding contractions, distinguishing between hypercapnia and hypoxia, safety protocols, the importance of buddying, rescue techniques, proper form for freediving, and an introduction to various dive disciplines such as free immersion (FIM) and constant weight bi-fin (CWT).

  • During the dive session, participants will have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the theory briefing. This includes applying techniques such as proper breath-up, executing a duck dive, maintaining a relaxed diving posture, ensuring the safety of your dive buddy, familiarizing oneself with rescue procedures, and honing skills in free immersion and constant weight disciplines. The session will provide a platform for participants to practice and enhance their form in these specific areas.

  • This Molchanov wave 1 certification course is designed to be an introduction to freediving fundamentals such as dynamic apnea, static apnea, equalization techniques, depth diving, buddy system, and rescue procedures. Students should expect both days to be 5-9 hrs long, depending on class size.

  • Where will this freedive Course be?
    - To ensure that we achieve depth of at least 20 meters (65ft), we will depart from the Hale'iwa harbor and proceed to our designated dive site. It is important to note that the actual depth may vary based on the specific requirements and abilities of the students.

    When are lessons?
    - Third week of every month or by request with minimum 3 students per lesson


  • Physics

  • Physiology

  • Safety

  • Rescue procedures

  • Relaxation & Breathing

  • Equalization

  • Potential trauma

  • Mental techniques

  • Dive techniques

Requirements to pass course

  • Static breath hold 1.5 minutes

  • Dynamic swim with fins: 30 meters

  • Constant weight bi-fin & free immersion dive: 12-20 meters

  • Rescue: 6-10 meters

  • Constant weight buddying: 6-10 meters

  • Complete online course and pass exam


What is freediving?
- Freediving is swimming or diving underwater while holding your breath.

I can’t hold my breath for more than a few seconds, can I still take thecourse?
- Of course. This freediving course/lessons will teach you how toactivate your natural abilities to freediving, such as the Mammalian Dive Reflex. Once you are taught how to hold your breath, you'll have no problem increasing your breath hold comfortably.

Will I need to join a level 1 freediving course if I have been scuba diving for years?

- If you have not previously completed an entry-level freediving course, then yes, it is recommended. Unlike scuba diving, freediving does not involve the use of breathing equipment underwater. While having a background in scuba diving can be advantageous in terms of comfort underwater, it is important to note that freediving requires a different set of skills and techniques.

Is freediving dangerous?
- Although freediving is considered an extreme sport and there have

been unfortunate incidents, it is crucial to note that a significant majority of these cases involved individuals who were eitheruneducated, untrained, or disregarded safety protocols. When practiced correctly and safely, freediving can be a relatively safe extreme sport. Therefore, it is highly recommended for beginners to undergo a course or lessons to acquire the necessary knowledge and learn proper safety techniques.

What happens if I do not complete the requirements needed for my freediving certification course?

- It is totally alright if the requirements are not met during the course. Students will have up to 12 months after the course finishes to complete requirements. Students will need to video tape themselves completing the requirements and send over to the instructor to later become certified.

Is there any practice I can do before taking the certification course or lessons?

- Upon enrolling in the certification course, I will provide you with the course manual for you to review prior to the commencement of the course. This will allow you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the content and expectations of the course. It is crucial to emphasize that practicing breath holds in the ocean or swimming pool alone is strongly discouraged. The first and foremost rule of freediving is to never dive alone.

What equipment do I need for the course/lessons?

  • As a freediver, it is highly recommended to possess your own complete set of freediving equipment, as this will enhance your diving experience in terms of comfort. I am here to assist you by providing guidance and suggesting suitable gear based on the specific type of diving you intend to pursue. Feel free to seek advice and recommendations from me regarding your equipment needs. Feel free to contact me for gear advice! We will be able to rent gear if it is needed.

  • List of equipment and other items needed for course:

  •  Low volume diving mask with nose pocket, Note: not swim goggles

    •  Snorkel: simple J-type

    • Fins (long fins are not essential, regular snorkeling fins or

      scuba fins without the boots will work)

    •  Wetsuit: Preferably 1.5mm in the summer and 3mm in the

      winter depending on tolerance to water temperature

    •  Weight belt: eight belt with lead weights. Important to

      have correct weights for the thickness of the wetsuit.

    •  Beach towel

    •  Drinking water

    • Hat / Sunscreen

What’s the minimum age for freediving?

  •  For Molchanov Wave 1&2 certification course : 16 years (with consent)

  • Freedive lessons: 12 years (with consent)

Who can freedive?

- Anyone who has the desire! Freediving is an activity that can be enjoyed by anyone. You do not have to be a super fit, non-smoker to enjoy this sport. The key is relaxation. Must be able to swim 200 yards to be eligible. Other than that, freediving welcomes everyone.

Anything else?
- If there is any way we can assist you, we are more than happy to

answer any remaining questions. Send an email over to ride.or.freedive@gmail.com and our freedive instructor will get back to you shortly.

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