Applicants key responsibilities will pertain to creating and implementing projects which will further One Ocean Diving’s conservation message. The program helps interns to develop field-related work experience, raise awareness, and further skills in research, organization and time management. As a bonus, interns also gain in-water, first-hand experience with sharks.
Intern Responsibilities & Opportunities:
Contributing to educational outreach through social media
Assisting in shark conservation projects
Sharing petitions, ongoing research projects, and new (non-invasive) shark ID’s
Organizing upcoming reef and beach cleanups or assisting with educational outreach presentations
Assisting in field research and data collection while on charter
Completing a unique and personalized conservation project of their own creation
***This is a voluntary program which provides no monetary compensation for completed work. Interns will have to opportunity to receive letters of recommendation and/or college credit depending on quality of work done during their time working with One Ocean. Interns are expected to complete 15 hours a week minimum of conservation related in-office work. Hours on boat are in addition to the minimum required in-office hours***
Must be enrolled in a biological science, zoology, conservation, or related degree or media degree.
CPR/First Aid Certified
Exceptional ocean swimming ability
Priority given to applicants in a masters program, post grad, or undergrads in their 3rd or 4th year with desire to work with pelagic.
Positions are available for half semester (2 month). Please fill out the attached application (click image to download application) and send it in along with your resume/cv/educational or work experience record to by the below due dates: