NEW! Sponsor a 'Sea Life Saving Swim' and we will remove fishing line and debris from the reef in your honor. Includes photos and video and social media about the effort and your support.
NEW! Sponsor a 'Sea Life Saving Swim' and we will remove fishing line and debris from the reef in your honor. Includes photos and video and social media about the effort and your support.
This program is a direct benefit for all marine life hosted through Save The Sea Turtles International which is the parent non profit for One Ocean Conservation and Water Inspired. Sponsor a sea life saving swim and we will do a marine debris reef swim in your name and honor to save marine life, the reef, and the ocean for you & send you photos and video from your sponsored dive with your name on land with the debris removed and underwater during the process showing the reef and sea life you helped us devote time to saving. We will post photos in our social media channels publicly acknowledging and thanking you and highlighting the outcome and effort of the swim.
We will also send you a supporter certificate and tax deductible letter.
Thank you for your generous contribution and support.
Options for sea turtle charm bracelet made from the fishing line removed during your sponsored swim.
Sponsor a sea life saving swim and we will cut fishing line and pick up marine debris in your honor & send you photos and video of the dive and debris and give you a shout out in social media.
Option for a turtle charm key chain, bracelet, or necklace on the line from the removal.