Whale season is almost here!

Whale Season is almost upon us! Have you heard about our new Whale Watching and Research Program? 

Available Jan. 1st-April 30th

      With the first Humpbacks spotted in the distance last week on our way out to survey the sharks, whale season is almost here! Humpback whales visit Hawaiian waters every year from November-May with the peak of the season occurring in January-March. We frequently hear the whales singing and often observe them breaching and swimming at the surface during our pelagic shark interaction program, and sometimes they even swim right up to use to check us out! 

     We are so excited to be expanding our research to include the whales as well. Our primary research focus is to record and track the whale song of males migrating through the area with the use of a hydrophone, as well as building a photo ID database of the individuals we encounter. 

    Join us aboard our research vessel where you will spend two hours surveying the area for whales and other cetaceans.We encourage guests to bring their own cameras to contribute to the field ID photos, and all photos taken during the tour will be made available to you for no additional charge.     

    Humpback whales are a living reminder that conservation measures to protect vulnerable species can be successful. After dropping to just 10% of their historic population, their numbers have slowly increased to about 30% due to federal protection under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. It is our hope that one day sharks will also receive the protection they deserve to allow their severely depleted populations to recover. 

    Due to NOAA regulations we are unable to approach or enter the water with the whales, but we are still able to observe them on the boat from a respectful distance. However, your marine biologist/naturalist will guide you into the water for a shallow water reef snorkel to observe turtles, fish and other marine life at some point throughout your tour. Click the button below for more information: