Picture by Mark Conlin, UIG VIA GETTY IMAGE
Did you know that you could be unknowingly supporting the shark fishing industry? Meat and liver oil are used from sharks and could be sold to you without your knowledge. Squalene is a chemical compound found in shark liver oil that is used by a lot of cosmetic and makeup companies. It’s used in products such as moisturizers, anti-aging serums, deodorants, lipsticks, eyeshadows, and more! Squalane is also used in some products, which is derivative of squalene. Make sure to check your products before you buy them to make sure you aren’t purchasing from brands that use shark in their products. Some brands label their products as all natural or vegan, but still use shark liver oil; check all of your labels before you buy to help reduce shark fishing!
Shark meat is another way you could be buying shark without knowing it. Shark meat is often sold under different names, such as whitefish, flake, dogfish, rock salmon, and many more. Always be aware of what you’re buying and look up any names you are unsure of! Some pet food companies use shark meat in their foods, so also make sure to check the ingredients list on your pet foods. Shark meat is high in mercury, which is toxic to consume. So, avoiding shark meat is best for your health as well as sharks’!
If you like shark tooth jewelry, make sure you’re buying fossilized teeth and not the bright white ones! The fossilized teeth will be cream, brown, or black in color. Bright white teeth came from a shark that has recently been killed. If you do find a shop selling new shark teeth, avoid purchasing from that shop, so you aren’t indirectly supporting shark fishing.
For more information on how to help save the sharks, visit @oneoceandiving or @oneoceanconservation on Instagram.